• There can be only one…

    04 December 2020

    If you could only keep one book by your favourite author... which one would you keep?!?


    That's the question that a vlogger called Caz asked herself a while back over on YouTube. She went through several of her fave authors, picking one book from each, and wouldn't you know it, I was one of those authors. Caz hummed and hawed over her final choice, and came close to choosing Cirque Du Freak (which I guess would be the one that most of my fans would choose -- though I might be wrong!), but in the end she plumped for the book that just happens to be the one books of mine that *I* would also keep if I was forced to choose... The Thin Executioner. Thwack!!!




    For years, whenever asked, I said I didn't have a favourite out of my books, which was true, but then The Thin Executioner came along, and something about it just resonated more deeply with me than the other books I'd written. I'm not saying it's my "best" book -- it's certainly not my bestselling book, and my publishers were very lukewarm about it -- but yeah, if all of my books were about to be pulped and erased from the world's archives, and I could only grab one to keep, it would be this one.


    How about you guys? As Highlander once said, "There can be only one... Darren Shan book!!" Which one would YOU keep?!?



    The Christmas issue of my monthly newsletter is live. It contains all the latest Darren Shan news and updates, details of a couple of upcoming sales, info about an incoming Christmas story, and a whole lot more. You can check it out by clicking on the following link: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/

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  • Comments

    No AvatarMary-Ann
    04, Dec, 2020
    my favourite book is probably deaths shadow out of the demonata series! it is written so amazingly and I could not out it down.

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