• Top 100 recommended reads

    18 June 2020

    I often get asked to recommend books to readers who've enjoyed Cirque Du Freak or one of my other tomes and want something else to move on to while they're waiting for the next Darren Shan novel to come trundling along. I've always got plenty of recommendations up my sleeve, based on books that I've read and enjoyed over the years, but nowhere near as many as The Reader Teacher, who put together a pretty comprehensive list of 100 (yes, One Hundred!) recommended books for children in Year 6 -- i.e. children about 10 or 11 years of age.


    There are so many books in here that I love -- Holes, The Hobbit, Artemis Fowl, Charmed Life (which was a big influence on my Archibald Lox books -- see below), The Graveyard Book, Skellig... It makes me want to read all the ones that are strangers to me, to find out if I'd love them as much as those that I'm familiar with!


    You can download and print off a poster or checklist of the recommended reads (especially useful if you're a teacher or librarian), and you can find the links for those, along with the titles of all 100 books, by clicking here:





    For info about my newest Archibald Lox series, click here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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