• Trapped in Boston!!

    15 November 2010

    I had a good day at Granby School. two enjoyable events followed by a chat with their book club. I then headed back to Boston airport and got there in plenty of time. My flight was delayed 40 minutes, so I got some food, checked emails, then headed down towards my gate... only to find out the flight was now cancelled!!!! I queued up at the US Airways desk and was told there was no way for me to get to Richmond tonight, so I'd have to go on the flight in the morning, which meant I wouldn't be able to do my first school event!! Since there looked like there was no other option, I let them put me into a hotel and book me onto tomorrow's flight. So I got to the hotel, contacted my literary escort in Richmond, and he said he'd be back in touch after he'd discussed it with my publicist Jessica. A short while later, Jessica rang and said there was a flight tonight to Baltimore (Good morning, Baltimore!!!!), which was about the same distance to Fredericksburg as Richmond would have been. So I had to check out of the room and race over to the airport. Checked in and went through security. They have a new system now, where they x-ray you. I'd been through it earlier with no problems. But this time, after I'd been scanned, a guy called out something like "RBD!!" Suddenly security guards were storming towards me and I was led off to a private room where I was given a VERY thorough patting down!!! Basically, I had some chewing gum in my pocket, which the machine picked up. No harm done in the end, but for a while there I was afraid I'd be ordered to drop drawers and bend over!!!!!! Anyway, my flight is delayed, so it will be a late one tonight -- 23.30 or so before I get to Baltimore, then we're going to drive over to Fredericksburg, get there approx 01.00 -- but that's better than getting up really early and driving through rush hour traffic. All part of the fun and games of life on the road!! Still, at least this way I'll be able to do all of my events tomorrow -- missing a good night's sleep is a minor nuisance, but missing an event would have been REALLY bad news!!!!! All's well that ends well... hopefully!!!!!

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