• Tunbridge Wells Literary Festival

    25 March 2022

    I'm going to be making a VERY rare public appearance at the Tunbridge Wells Literary Festival on Saturday, April 30th, at 2pm. https://theamelia.co.uk/tw-lit-fest/darren-shan/


    For 16 years I was out on the road on tour pretty much every few months or so, but since my last big tour six years ago, to support the final Zom-B book, I've only done a handful of public events. The last of those was nearly 3 years ago, in Edinburgh, and in fact this is the first event I've done in England since the end of that Zom-B tour -- yes, my first event in England in SIX YEARS!!!!


    Since I've been out of the public eye for such a long time, I figured it would be nice to do a short career retrospective -- in reverse! I'm going to open with a short reading from Archibald Lox, then read an extract from Zom-B, then from The Demonata, and finish up with a reading from Cirque Du Freak. I'll be taking questions from the audience in between each reading. It's a bit of an unusual format, but this is a special occasion, so I thought why not mix things up a little?!?


    If you're interested in booking tickets to come to the event, click here: https://theamelia.co.uk/tw-lit-fest/darren-shan/


    I can't say when I'll next pop up at an event like this, but I'm not expecting to be doing too many more in the near future. Hopefully that will change down the line (I've missed you guys!), but I suspect this might be my only appearance this year. So, if you want to hear me chat and ask me some questions and have your Darren Shan books signed (as always, I'll be happy to sign as many of my books as each fan brings, time permitting), this could be your only chance for a while...


    Six years since my last event in England... unbelievable!!



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