• Twin Tattoos

    04 May 2021

    A long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away... there used to be a feature on my blog called...




    It's been a good few months since I was sent any new photos of Shansters with tattoos inspired by my books, but when this one was shared with me recently, it made up for the lull by breaking new ground -- the first ever (as far as I can recall, anyway) TWIN FAN TATTOOS!!


    Best pals Malissa and Brittany decided to get matching tattoos of my "Even in death may you be triumphant" quote, on their calves. Now that's what I call a true and beautiful friendship! I only hope, when their souls move on to Vampire Paradise (many years from now, after they've lived long, interesting live), that they arrange to be buried above ground, side by side, and ON their sides, with a glass panel in each coffin around the leg area, so that future generations of Shansters can come and admire the twin tattoos.


    Make it so, ladies! Make it so! Oh, and if you DO follow my advice, and if you run into obstacles, (as I'm sure you will, since we're living in the age of the jobsworth)...


    ...May the Fourth be with you!!!!!


    :-) :-) :-)



    In the May issue of the Shanville Monthly -- three new Archibald Lox books, a Cirque Du Freak "album", plus updates about the Cirque Du Freak manga and movie. https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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