• Two weeks to go!!!

    17 June 2021

    Two weeks from today, on Thursday July 1st, Book 4 of my Archibald Lox series goes on sale. I could waffle on and tell you how good I think it is, but hey, that would hardly be an objective opinion!! Instead, let's hear from Thomas Paxton, one of the reviewers on my list that I sent early copies of the book to...


    "A solid entertaining ride that includes a giant chase scene that interrupts our Locksmith from doing what he does best, and leads us into a solid adventure of pizazz, new abilities, and wonderment. Some questions get answered, more lore is explored, and the Merge DEEPENS!


    "We learn more about Old Man Reap, and see more of our gang having adventures. Yet again, we see more parts of the mythical Merge, and see more views of this giant world Shan has created that reminds me of the work he did with the Demonata. We spent very little time in London, Archie's regular world. The question is though...is London really his regular world, or the Merge now his reality? I heavily recommend this installment in the new series Shan has created.


    "It also includes a passage that very much evokes one of Shan's best works: The Vampire Prince. A solid beginning to a new Volume, make sure to pick some extra mushrooms on the way...GROP, GROP, GROP!"


    Thomas wrote a bit more about the book and the series on the Darren Shan Discussions Facebook page -- you can read his full thoughts here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/839821919370288/permalink/4313079982044447/


    The eBook will be on sale through all the major stores -- Amazon, Apple, B&N, Kobo, Google, etc -- and costs just $2.99 or your local equivalent. There will be a paperback edition too, exclusively on sale through Amazon stores worldwide, which will cost $8.99 or your local equivalent. PLEASE NOTE -- when I release the omnibus edition of the three Volume 2 books in the near future, it will work out much cheaper than buying the three paperbacks individually, and personally I think that's the best way to read the story, as one big book. So my advice, if you want a physical edition, is to wait a few months longer and get it that way. But hey, the customer is always right!! :-)


    For more info about the book (and the next two books in the series, which will be following hot on its heels), and for direct buying links, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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