• USA tour - 3 days in

    12 November 2010

    I've just got back from doing the first school events of my USA tour. I flew over here on Wednesday, after a fun week in London, to New York. I was supposed to be staying in the Roosevelt Hotel, but when I checked in, the room looked like a place where people go to die -- the thought of staying there for 4 nights filled me with dread! Luckily I have very nice publishers here, so they moved me instantly to a much more modern, brighter hotel, with a room that's enjoyable to be in. I'm not really a prima donna when it comes to such things, but getting a good night's sleep on tour is vital, so a nice room is important. I felt bad for asking to move -- I'm not a natural diva -- but so much happier when I did!!!

    I've been to a couple of shows in NY -- Times Stands Still and Driving Miss Daisy. Both were good, not great plays, but blessed with first-rate actors (Laura Linney in the first, James Earl Jones in the second). I filmed an interview for my publishers yesterday, mostly discussing my adult books. I also went for lunch with some of them, and did an in-house signing. Today I headed to Governor's Island for my first school events of the tour. It's an amazing place. The island was a military compound for many years. Now there's just a school there. It has incredible views of New York, yet feels unbelievably peaceful -- we went for a half hour walk after my events and didn't see another living soul!! Going there was a real adventure, a lovely way to kick things off. This evening I'll be doing my first public event of the tour, in the New York Public Library, Jefferson Market Library, 425 Avenue of the Americas. If you're in the Big Apple, do come along, all are welcome -- and the first 100 people get a FREE copy of the manga edition of "Hunters of the Dusk" as a bonus!!!!! Plus, apparently there's going to be some sort of little puppet show based on Cirque Du Freak at the beginning... Miss it at your peril!!!!!!

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