• Vancha times three

    27 June 2020

    No one's ever accused Vancha March of being a shy and retiring wallflower -- he LOVES being in the spotlight! So he was absolutely delighted when I told him he was going to be the star of the show this Saturday -- although he did none-too-gently hint that he should be the star of the show EVERY Saturday, and maybe a few days in between too!!


    Anyway, here we go with three VERY different takes on the greenest haired Vampire Prince who ever bestrode the world like a Colossus.


    First up is a drawing that Vancha most heartily approves of, and would use as the cover of the Vancha March calendar if such a thing existed. It was drawn by a fan called Genna Fiel, and was modelled after a character called Ganondorf in the Legend of Zelda video game series. ("What's a video game?" Vancha wanted to know.)



    Next up we have a Vancha March chibi, drawn by that frequent twister-of-Shan-character-stereotypes, Amity Lee. I'm sure that the rest of you, like me, will all say "Awwww..." but Vancha said "Charna's guts! What in the name of all the vampire gods is THAT meant to be?!?"



    Finally, looking most like the Vancha that we all know from the books, is a drawing by Sidorothy. I told Vancha it was like holding a mirror up to him. He sniffed and said, "I prefer that video game mirror myself..." :-)


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