• Vegan Freak!

    17 May 2019

    As a writer of many very bloody books, it's not often that my works gets features on a site like... Raise Vegan! I'm sure I have lots of vegan and vegetarian fans -- there's no reason why a person shouldn't have a taste for literary horror just because they abhor the horrors of meat-eating -- but I'm equally sure that there aren't too many vegan and veggie sites recommending my books as the perfect accompaniment to a healthy, delicious meal of Sugar Snap Pea And Carrot Soba Noodles!


    But as this is a universe where just about anything that CAN happen eventually DOES happen, last month I spotted a mention for Cirque Du Freak in an article on Raise Vegan, to link in with National Library Week. It listed three books that teenage boys might love to read -- and Cirque Du Freak was one of them. To check out the article, along with a whole world of vegan-related items, click here: https://raisevegan.com/books-for-teenage-son-that-he-wont-hate-reading/


    I'm not sure if the character of RV from my vampire books would be beaming or fuming about this one... :-)

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