• Volume 3 cliffhangers

    18 March 2021

    I've been beavering away on my latest edit of Volume 3 of my Archibald Lox series over the last few weeks. ("Only" another 3 or 4 edits to go!) As with Volume 1 and Volume 2, I'll first be releasing it as three separate books, before combining them into a collected edition.


    I've got to admit, breaking up the Archie Volumes into three books has been a tricky process. Because I wrote each Volume as a single, massive storyline, they haven't always split up as neatly as I'd have wished. In a perfect world, if a traditional publisher had come on board, I'd probably have released only the Volumes, i.e. three big books, instead of nine shorter books. But when it became clear that I was going to have to self-publish, breaking them up allowed me to publicize them a bit more effectively and reach a wider audience, so I really had very little choice other than go down that route.


    The good news is that Volume 3 quite naturally splits into three, with books 7 and 8 ending on lovely, frustrating cliffhangers, the kind I often ended books with in Zom-B, The Demonata and The Saga Of Darren Shan/Cirque Du Freak. You're going to be pulling your hair out when you finish these babies, waiting for the next instalment with bated breath!!


    Happily, I won't leave you waiting too long. Although I haven't yet planned out the release dates for the Volume 3 books (except that they'll go on sale at some point in 2022), I'm pretty sure they'll follow in swift succession, probably with no more than a month or two between each book -- that's what I'll be doing with Volume 2 this summer. (Exact dates to be confirmed in the near future...)


    If you haven't yet read Volume 1, you can find out where it's on sale, and at the best price, in the March issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter, by clicking here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


    If you want to try before you buy, the ebook of Book 1, Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds, is always free to download, through a wide variety of online stores...



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