• Volume 3 edging ever closer

    10 December 2021

    I finished my final "solo" draft of the Volume 3 arc of my Archibald Lox series a couple of days ago. So it's edging ever closer to its end -- this is the final storyline, and as with the others, I'll release it as three short books, then follow up with a collected edition that presents it as a single story, which is how I originally wrote it. Warning!! Books 7 and 8 will end with HUGE cliffhangers, but I promise you won't have to wait too long for their resolutions -- I plan to release the three short books fairly swiftly after each other, though I haven't yet settled on exactly how long I'm going to leave between them -- maybe one month, maybe two...


    I can't say for certain either when book 7 and the others will be released, except that it will be at some point in 2022. Now that I've finished my last "solo" draft, I've now sent the book to my editor (hi, Zoe!), who will be spending most of January working on it. She'll get back to me with her thoughts, comments and corrections, and I'll then go through it very carefully one FINAL final time -- that might take a couple of weeks, or a couple of months, depending on whether or not I have to do much to it in response to my editor's feedback. Then, when I've crossed the final t and dotted the final i, I'll have to typeset all three books (plus the collected edition) for both their digital and physical editions. Oh, and I suppose it will help if I sort out covers for them a bit before that point too. :-)


    So, a lot of work still to do, but the bulk of it is now behind me, and I must say I think Volume 3 is looking to be in very good shape -- fingers crossed!! Hopefully we'll see book 7 in late spring or early summer, but keep an eye on this page and my monthly online newsletter for updates.


    Speaking of that monthly newsletter -- if you haven't yet read any of the Archibald Lox books, you can find out a bit more about them in the Christmas edition of the newsletter, plus where you can buy them at the best prices in their different formats, depending on whether you prefer hardback, paperback or eBook. Click here to be enlightened: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/


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