• Volumes and Volumes…

    16 March 2021

    Volume 1 of the Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus was reviewed recently over on the M.S. Happi blog, where it received a sparkling 5 out of 5 star rating! For the full review, CLICK HERE.


    While we're on the subject of the manga... one fan recently had a query about the Volumes. He'd seen people talking about waiting for Volume 2, but had already spotted Volume 1 and Volume 2 for sale on various sites. What in the name of all the Halls of Vampire Mountain was going on?!?


    I've got to confess -- I find this a bit confusing too. Basically, the manga was originally released as 12 separate Volumes, numbered 1 to 12. They are now being reissued as eBooks, at the same time that the Omnibus editions are going on sale, but BOTH editions are referred to as Volumes!!


    So, in January, the OMNIBUS edition, containing books 1 and 2, was released as Omnibus Volume 1. At the same time, ebooks of the first two manga (i.e. the two books collected in the Omnibus) also went on sale, and they were called... Volume 1 and Volume 2!!


    I think it would have been easier for fans if the ebooks had been called Book 1 and Book 2, etc, but hey, it's better to have them available with a smidgin of confusion than not available at all, right?!? The key thing is to look for the word OMNIBUS on the cover. If that appears, then it collects two books. If it just says Volume 1 or Volume 2, then it's a single book.


    By the way, even though the ebook editions are coming out singly, rather than as an electronic omnibus edition, they still work out at about half the price (i.e. the first two Volumes of the ebook cost half the price of the Omnibus paperback edition), so they're pretty good value for those of you who are happy to download them digitally.


    For more info about the manga, including links to where you can buy it (either as a paperback or as ebooks) see the March issue of my Shanville Monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly




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