• Wash like a Prince!

    16 March 2020

    As I said in yesterday's post, I'm trying not to mix much with people in public at the moment, keeping my head down at home with my family in an attempt to do our part to help halt the spread of the Coronoavirus. We've had to change a lot of our habits over the last few days, and one of those involves washing our hands more frequently. I'm sure many of you will have already been informed about this need to wash thoroughly, and have probably been told you need to sing a song like Happy Birthday each time you wash your hands -- when you finish the song, that's when you stop washing.


    But, hey, how many times can we sing Happy Birthday to ourselves without going mad -- especially when it's not our birthday?!? I'd already started playing around with other songs when the user Vampire Council over on Twitter posted this Cirque Du Freak meme, featuring a song that might be familiar to you if you've read on through the Vampire Mountain trilogy arc. It requires a bit of repetition, but hey, anything's better than belting out Happy Birthday for the dozenth time in a day, right?!? :-)


    As light-hearted as this might seem, I think we all need to take the hand-washing advice VERY seriously, and anything that helps with that is a good thing, no matter how ridiculous it might at first appear...


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