• What’s missing?!?

    28 February 2020

    Over the years, quite a few fans have sent me photos of their Darren Shan collections. They're usually pretty impressive -- I've written a LOT of books, and they take up a lot of shelf space when you see them all together -- but they're also almost always shown spine-out. That makes sense, since that's the way we all stack our books, right? But a fan called Amity Lee (many of whose amazing drawings I've featured here in past posts) decided to take a photo of her collection of my books with the covers face-up, and the scale of it made me pause and whistle appreciately -- "I've published THAT many books?!?" I murmured to my myself, almost disbelievingly. :-)

    But as jaw-dropping as this photo was, something about it made me pause. I've published 51 books (including a couple of shorts, and the novels for adults that I release under the name of Darren Dash) but I could only count 50 here. (Discounting the double-ups of my Demonata books.) I must admit, it took me a few minutes of head-scratching and re-counting to figure out what was missing -- and I wonder if any of YOU will be quicker to the punch than I was!!

    I'll give you a couple of clues -- it's a short book -- there WAS a paperback edition -- but it's only ever been on sale as an eBook.

    Post a reply here when you work out what it is! But if you can't work it out, visit the Books section over on my website, where you'll be able to find it in among the mix of all my published work:



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  • Comments

    No AvatarDrishti Guha
    28, Feb, 2020
    Hello Darren!!! I am an Indian and it took me alot of courage to write to you. I started to read 'The saga of Darren Shan' and that is particularly when I started to follow you. I finished with the Demonata series too and will be starting with Zom-B after I am ddo e with my Boards. I hope to meet you in person someday...☺️ I hope you read this and reply on my gmail account...
    No AvatarBecky Nadin
    28, Feb, 2020
    Zombie Circus! I remember getting up early to purposely buy the magazine and paperback
    No AvatarMahtab
    28, Feb, 2020
    Hello Mr. Shan!
    The missing book is Zom-B Circus, isnt it?

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