• WOMBO Demonata

    09 April 2022

    A few Shansters experimented with WOMBO a while back, to create pictures based on titles of my books, or characters therein. (For those not in the know, WOMBO is a programme that generates art based on keywords that you enter.) I've shared some of them previously, and today we'll get to see Lord Loss go up against Bec, Grubbs and Kernel, just like in the books!!


    The first, of Lord Loss, was created by Danny, while the next three (Bec, Grubbs and Kernel) were all created by Maisie.


    I'm not too sure about the Kernel image (that's a little bit TOO weird for my liking!), but the other three could easily have passed for genuine covers in some of the countries where the books have been released. It'll be interesting to see if traditional cover artists get nudged out of the picture by machine like WOMBO over the years to come...




    One thing that definitely WON'T get nudged aside by a computer is ME -- how could any piece of software ever hope to replicate the twists and turns of MY warped imagination?!? Plus, a programme wouldn't be able to turn up and sign books at an events, would it?!? :-) Speaking of which... I'm making my first public appearance in almost three years, and my first in England in SIX YEARS, on Saturday April 30th (the bank holiday weekend) at the Tunbridge Wells Literary Festival. You can find out more about it, and book tickets, by clicking here: https://theamelia.co.uk/tw-lit-fest/darren-shan/





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