• Yet more signed books!

    02 September 2022

    You guys have been enjoying it every time I post photos of books that I've signed for fans in the past, and lots more have been shared with me since my last post, so here are another four that I scribbled in on long-ago tours...


    The earliest, for CAITLIN, dates back to 2010. Caitlin also managed to get her hands on one of the tour posters that my publishers produced at the time, and of course I was happy to sign that for her too.


    The second, for BETH, was done in 2011, with one of the fast-drying silver pens that I've mentioned here before. (The book is Birth Of A Killer, the first of the Mr Crepsley series.)


    The third, for XENIA, is the Hungarian edition of Vampire Mountain. Xenia couldn't actually make it to one of my signings in Hungary in 2014 (I've been there a few times over the years), but her mother wrote to me and I managed to sort her out with a birthday message regardless.


    The final signature, for COLE, shows me using some fruity language back in 2015! I don't normally swear when I'm on tour, either during my events or when signing books, but hey, it's a Zom-B book, and B Smith was always a bit more mouthy than my other narrators, so sometimes the spirit moved me to express the occasional profanity. If you don't like it, you can kiss my royal -- uh oh!!! Nope!! I'm going to stop right there before I say too much!!!! ������


    Oh, and by the way, just in case you missed yesterday's post, the September issue of my monthly online newsletter is now LIVE, with all the latest Darren Shan news and updates, plus a brand new COMPETITION. You can check it out here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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