• Zom-B TV show

    06 March 2020

    Although I've dropped hints in the past about potential adaptations of my work, I tend not to make any official statements until and unless a project get a green light. Many, many books linger in "development hell" for years, or even decades, and I don't like raising my fans' hopes only to then disappoint them if a film or TV show never actually materialises.




    There was a post over on the Screen Daily website today, about a move to create a TV show based on my Zom-B books. You can read it by clicking on this link: https://www.screendaily.com/news/irelands-fantastic-films-moves-into-tv-with-zom-b-exclusive/5147862.article


    I'm not going to say a whole lot about this at the moment, in case it leads to nothing, but now that the cat's out of the bag, I do feel like I need to add a public comment, to clarify.


    The other company mentioned in the article, Electric Shadow Company, has been working on a TV adaptation of Zom-B for a few years now. They've shown remarkable faith in the books, and have kept pegging away solidly, determined to make it happen, which has led to them now teaming up with Fantastic Films.


    I hope it all works out. It's certainly looking very positive. And they seem keen to involve me in the process, so if it does go ahead, there's a very good chance we'll end up with something far more faithful to the source material than the Cirque Du Freak movie was -- although, obviously, many changes and tweaks will need to be implemented if it's to be fleshed out into a multi-episode TV series.


    But, as I've often said in the past when fans ask about books of mine that have been optioned (as Cirque Du Freak was, years before it actually got made)... don't hold your breath!!! :-)


    With luck, I'll be back here at some point in the near future to report on positive progress and taking things to the next stage, etc, etc. Until then, fingers crossed, everybody!!!

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