• Zut alors!

    17 February 2020

    This one's a bit of a French oddity...


    The manga edition of The Saga Of Darren Shan (aka the Cirque Du Freak series) was released in French many years ago. I was sent the first six volumes, but no more, so I assumed that the publishers had stopped there. It wouldn't have been the first time that had happened to my series in France -- the books of the Saga were first published in 2001, but the publishers stopped at the fourth, and they were re-translated and re-published several years later, and this time they only got to the third book. The same fate befell my Zom-B series even further down the path, and again they stopped publishing them after the third book. "C'est la vie!" as my frustrated French freaksters no doubt groaned each time!


    But then, last year, a strange thing happened -- I spotted volumes 7 to 12 of the French edition of the manga online. (I think a fan shared the image with me.) I asked my agent to investigate, and it turns out they actually published all 12 volumes, but never sent me the second half of the series. That has now been rectified, and I've added them all to the Covers section of my web site, where I collect the covers of every edition of my books that has ever been published -- well, at least the ones that my publishers have actually sent to me!


    You can check out the entire French manga collection, together on my site at long, long last, by clicking here:




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