Shonen Sunday manga review
10 June 2021"Shonen Sunday" is a blog that focuses on Shougakukan's Shounen manga magazine "Weekly Shounen Sunday," featuring reviews of some of the titles that they publish. Recently the first Cirque Du Freak...
New subscription form
09 June 2021Ever since I launched my website, about 21 years ago, I've provided an option for fans to subscribe for news updates, so that they can be kept abreast of breaking Darren Shan news. For the last...
Showing Koyasan the love
08 June 2021A fan called Ash posted this very lovely post about my short book Koyasan on Facebook last week:
"Your yearly reminder that Koyasan is wildly underrated and deserves a place in everyone's Shan...
What’s happened to Darren Dash?!?
07 June 2021A few of my older fans have been asking recently if I had any more Darren Dash novels in the pipeline -- that's the pseudonym I use when I release books for adults. While I certainly plan to...
A sunny Sunday in April
06 June 2021On a sunny Sunday in April, the Shans set out to have a little picnic on a small stone beach that lines one of the banks of the river Shannon. We walked down an old country road called a boreen...
A Keroromo quartet
05 June 2021A talented fan called Keroromo has drawn a lot of my pictures based on my books over the last several months, focusing mostly on Mr Crepsley, but covering some other characters too. I'll be...