20 Book-To-Movie Castings That People Actually Kind Of Hated
22 June 2021
There was an article on BuzzFeed last month titled: 20 Book-To-Movie Castings That People Actually Kind Of Hated. It's a fun but throwaway piece in which various people talk about actors in movies...
10… 9… 8…
21 June 2021Just 10 days to go until the release of Archibald Lox and the Forgotten Crypt!!
This is book 4 of my new Archibald Lox series, with books 5 and 6 to follow hot on its heels over the course of...
The usual Shan clan Sunday snaps
20 June 2021You all know what to expect on my blog on a Sunday, don't you? So here's the usual cluster of Shan family photos.
In the first, I love the way Dante and Gaia are playing with a toy cake. Like...
Evra’ssssss Ssssssssssaturday!
19 June 2021Let'ssssss make it a sssssuper Sssssssaturday with four ssssssssuperb piecesssssss of Evra Van fan art!!!! :-)
Firsssssst up we have a drawing by a fan called Renee, featuring a very...
18 June 2021As a child and teenager, in the Long Ago Time before the internet, I'd often struggle to find good new reading material. There weren't many places where you could read reviews of books and find out...
Two weeks to go!!!
17 June 2021Two weeks from today, on Thursday July 1st, Book 4 of my Archibald Lox series goes on sale. I could waffle on and tell you how good I think it is, but hey, that would hardly be an objective...