Hi everyone, and welcome to the July issue of the Shanville Monthly. As with every July issue, it's BIRTHDAY TIME!!! Yep, this month's issue marks the 13th birthday celebration for the Shanville Monthly. July is also when I celebrate my own birthday, and this year I turn the ripe old age of 41. But it's not just the birthdays that make this a big month. Zom-B Angels hits stores all across the USA. The first two books of the newly rejacketed Demonata series go on sale in the UK. The UK and USA covers for Zom-B Baby are revealed. There are not one, not two, but THREE crazily cool competitions. And a whole lot more. So let's put the party on hold for a while as we zip through all the latest news and treats that July holds in store!
Zom-B Angels, the fourth book in my new Zom-B series, goes on sale in the USA on July 9th, and you can see the ferocious cover for it above! It already went on sale in the UK and Ireland last month, and will also be going on sale around this time in Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Book 4 is when we start to get answers to many of the questions thrown up by the first 3 books -- where have the zombies come from? How did they spread across the globe so quickly? How do Mr Dowling, the mutants and Owl Man fit in with it all? It's not the most action-packed book of the series, but it is packed full of answers, it introduces us to lots of important new characters, and it also throws up a whole host of new questions -- including how much of what we learn in this book can we actually believe?!? I think it's going to provoke a lot of debate among fans!!!!
You can read my author notes for the book by CLICKING HERE. Be warned, the notes DO contain SPOILERS, so I would strongly recommend reading the book first!
You should be able to find Zom-B Angels, in your local bookstore -- if you don't see it on the shelves, please ask a member of staff for assistance. Or else you can order it through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. If you live in the UK or Ireland, then you can order it through Amazon UK for the amazing price of just £5!!! The book is also available to download on to your eReader in both countries -- check out the Kindle/Book Nook stored on either site.
Zom-B Angels is also available to download in audio format in the UK, read by Zawe Ashton. You can buy it HERE. It will go on sale soon in audio format in the USA too -- I will hopefully be able to provide the link for that next month.
Zom-B Angels has already picked up some very positive reviews -- readers seem to be liking the revelations on offer in the book! If you want to check out what the reviewers are saying, CLICK HERE.

I forgot to mention last month that the paperback edition of Zom-B Underground went on sale in the UK and Ireland the same day as the hardback of Zom-B Angels! The paperback editions feature book notes which do not appear in the hardbacks -- they are adapted from the notes which I publish on my web site. You should be able to find the book in your local shop, but if you prefer to order online, you can do so through Amazon UK.
HarperCollins, my UK publishers for The Demonata, have decided to re-release the series with brand new covers. They've gone for a VERY different look this time round, and I'm intrigued to see how all ten covers are going to work out! The new editions of the first two books go on sale in the UK and Ireland on July 4th, with the rest to follow over the space of the following year. And here are the covers for the first two little monsters -- enjoy!!

I revealed a while ago that the title for the fifth Zom-B book was going to be Zom-B Baby. Now I am utterly delighted to reveal the gloriously creepy UK and USA covers for the book.

This is the disturbing UK cover.

And this is the equally unnerving USA cover.
I love both of the covers equally, and they're two of my favourite covers from the series so far -- they send a little shiver of fear down my spine every time I gaze at them!!! But which do YOU guys prefer?!? Let me know your opinions over on the official Darren Shan Facebook and Twitter pages.

I will be doing an online virtual event for fans in Canada, in which I will be answering questions live. This will take place on Friday July 12th at 2.00pm British Columbia time. You can find out more about this by CLICKING HERE. Anyone in Canada is welcome to join in.
I released a short book in the UK a couple of months ago, called Hagurosan. A fan in the USA has brought it to my attention that American fans are able to order copies of my short book, Hagurosan, through the main Amazon site. There are currently no plans to release Hagurosan in the States, so if you want a copy, you’ll have to order the UK edition.
Check out this nice, lengthy interview with me in the Irish Examiner. The photo shows me wandering one of the paths in the back field where I live! :-)
If you’d like to find out which picture book I wish I could have written, check out page 18 of the 200th issue of the always fabulous Books For Keeps!
If you’re looking for lots of good recommendations for books for teenagers, this teacher’s list should help point you in the right directions. I especially approve of his horror choices, of course!!! :-)
I was thrilled to see Zom-B still haunting the Top 5 children’s bestseller chart in the United Arab Emirates last month. Readers in the Middle East obviously known an (un)dead good thing when they see it!!!
In Ireland on Wednesday 10th July I will be heading to Bantry to do an event at the West Cork Writers Festival at 2.30pm.
On Sunday 18th August at 1.30pm I'll be heading to Edinburgh in Scotland for my 14th Festival appearance in a row. You can buy tickets by CLICKING HERE.
Oh, this is a SWEET one!! Part of Zom-B Baby is set in the London Dungeon, so my publishers have put together an amazing competition with the help of the London Dungeon staff and Waterstones. One lucky winner is going to win a visit to the London Dungeon, and I’m going to be there for at least part of your trip through it!! (I might even be there for it all, depending on other commitments.) You’ll also win some Zom-B books and a London Dungeon goodie bag, and of course I’ll be happy to sign the books (along with any others you might want to bring from home). It’s a once-in-a-lifetime type of prize, so what are you waiting for—enter NOW!!!!
I’m afraid that, because it's being run by my British publishers, the competition is only open to fans in the UK and Ireland. But don't get too downhearted if you live somewhere else -- because here come another two competitions which are open to everybody -- hurray!!!!
I have donated the American editions of the first three Zom-B books to the Summer Giveaway competition on the Live To Read site. I'm not entirely sure how this one works -- it's something called a Rafflecopter -- I think you have to post links to the competition in order to be entered, or something like that -- please email the site administrators if you have any questions. The competition is open to people everywhere in the world.

And, to cap it all off, here's a competition of my own! To celebrate the 13th birthday of the Shanville Monthly, I felt it was only appropriate to offer 13 prizes!!
There will be one First Prize, which is a Demonata hoodie which I have worn on tour in the past, along with a T-shirt that was made for my UK and Ireland Sons Of Destiny tour way back in October 2004, plus a signed copy of the UK hardback edition of Zom-B City -- you can see me with all three items in the picture above.
There will be five Second Prizes, including one of the T-shirts that was made for my Sons Of Destiny tour, plus a signed copy of the UK hardback edition of Zom-B City.
Finally, there will be seven Third Prizes of a signed copy of the UK hardback edition of Zom-B City.
Please note that all of the T-shirts are Medium size.
Please make sure you read all of the guidelines before entering -- incorrectly submitted entries will be eliminated from the competition.
1) Answer this question: "How many birthdays of the Shanville Monthly am I celebrating this month, in the July 2013 issue?"
2) Send your entry to: [email protected]
3) Put your NAME in the SUBJECT BOX when you send your e-mail. I will not accept your entry if you don't. And make sure you INCLUDE YOUR FULL POSTAL ADDRESS in the body of the e-mail, as well as the answer. This is so that I can easily send your prize to you if you win.
(4) Closing date is midnight, UK Time, Wednesday, July 17th, 2013.
(5) This competition is open to everybody, everywhere in the world, unless you work for one of my publishers or are one of my relations.
(6) You can only enter ONCE. If you try to enter more than once, ALL of your entries will be disqualified.
(7) Only one entry per household -- if you send in more than one entry, ALL of your entries will be rejected. If more than one person in a house wants to enter, you'll need to make a joint entry.
(8) The draw for the winners will be made on or after Thursday, July 18th, 2013. It will be a completely random draw, made by Darren Shan personally (I use an online number generator to pick the winners). I will try to notify the winners by e-mail, and will post their names on the Shanville Message Board, in the August issue of the Shanville Monthly, and possibly on Twitter and Facebook too.
(9) Information submitted by entrants WILL NOT be shared by me with any other individual or company. I'll keep your details on my PC, then delete the info once the competition ends.
(10) My decision will be final.
And that's it for July. I'll be enjoying a quiet birthday, then going straight back to my editing duties for the last few Zom-B books. A bit later in the month, after my Irish event in Bantry, I'm going to be taking part in the British 10k London run -- I did it last year for the first time and loved it! I was hoping to run it a bit faster this time round, but my wedding and honeymoon have got in the way of my training, so I suspect I might actually be a bit slower than last year -- but I'll give it a good old try regardless! After that, more work, until I hit Edinburgh in August. I'll be back here at the start of August with all the latest news, including the reveal of the title of the sixth Zom-B book!!! Until then, all my bloody best, Darren Shan. x x x
Follow Darren Shan on Facebook and Twitter. He also has a (very rarely updated!) YouTube page.