I Am A Reader | 25 May 2014 |

This book follows Zom-B, Zom-B Underground, and Zom-B City. This series follows B, or Becky, through the attacks on humanity where a very contagious virus turns people into Zombies. I will not go into any further details on what happens in the previous books in case any readers haven’t started the series and wishes to.


This book was a lot less action packed then the first 3; however, it did answer some of the questions that I had been asking during the other books. They introduce a few more characters, with a few returning ones, but I felt uninterested/invested in majority of them. I was mostly interested in Dr. Oystein and I felt disappointed that he was only in it for half the book, or at least it felt that way. B didn’t seem to grow as a character either. At times it felt like she went backwards with her racism and general hatred, where I thought in the last book she seemed to start caring about some of the characters she came across. Maybe that is key with B, she needs/tends to care about the humans and falls back on racism and hatred when dealing with Zombies.


I was glad I was able to finish this book off quickly – both because it had a lack of growth/action and because majority of the questions got answered at the end. I still have questions, but at least I finally got some answered. Looks like this series is going to be continuing for another 8 more books, so I’ll have to see how much further I go or if I will just abandon it. It will really depend on how I feel after reading the next 2 books (since my library currently has them). I’m hoping I learn more about Mr. Dowling and I’m hoping to find out if my theory on him is right.


I still loved the illustrations in the book. I would recommend this book to those who have already started this series. It answers some questions, although it looks like the beginning of the next book might fill you in with the first chapter (as it has done in the other books). I liked this book, but if I was to re-read the series I will likely skip over this book or just read the last 3 or so chapters.


Rating: 3 stars – worth the read if you have time/have already started the series


Content: No Sex, illustrations show nude bodies, but with no detail, some British swearing (ex. “Bloody”) with some minor language, one scene of violence where they run through a herd of zombies and they attack them but nothing vulgar (a picture is drawn for this scene as well).

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