The Star Online | 02 August 2013 | Sandra Low

PRECEDED by Zom-B, Underground, and City, this is the fourth book in the Zom-B series by the bestselling author of Cirque Du Freak (Vampire’s Assistant from that series was made into a movie in 2009).


In a world overcome by a zombie apocalypse, Becky Smith, the B of the title, is a zombie who ... isn’t. In the earlier books, B had her heart torn from her chest and became a zombie, and then regained her senses in a mysterious underground military complex where the sinister goings-on were enough to set her on the run in an abandoned London.


In this fourth book, B follows strange graffiti to the enclave of Dr Oystein and his Angels – young people like B who became zombies and then regained their senses. She joins the band in their mission to protect the few remaining humans and to fight against the “monstrous clown”, Mr Dowling, from whose clutches B had escaped. Undead life finally seems to be making a little sense to B, until she realises that all is not what it seems with the Angels.

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